man exhausted with hand on the face

Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing hormones like cortisol, become overworked due to prolonged stress. The idea behind adrenal fatigue is that, with chronic stress, the adrenals become "exhausted" and unable to produce sufficient amounts of these hormones, particularly cortisol, leading to a variety of symptoms. Both men and women can experience similar symptoms of what is commonly referred to as adrenal fatigue.

While these symptoms are commonly associated with adrenal fatigue, they can overlap with other conditions, so it’s important to talk to a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment if you're experiencing these issues. Stress management, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and sometimes specific medical treatments may help alleviate symptoms.


  • Fatigue: Persistent tiredness that doesn’t improve with rest or sleep.
  • Difficulty waking up in the morning: Feeling groggy or unrested, even after a full night's sleep.
  • Caffeine dependence: Reliance on coffee or energy drinks to feel awake or alert.
  • Difficulty concentrating or brain fog: Trouble focusing or remembering things.
  • Mood swings: Feeling more irritable, anxious, or depressed.
  • Sleep disturbances: Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.
  • Salt and sugar cravings: The body may crave foods that boost energy.
  • Weakened immune function: Frequent colds or infections.
  • Low blood pressure: This can sometimes lead to dizziness or lightheadedness.
Lady with Adrenal Fatigue